• Wed, Mar 26, 2025

India Music Week III: Success, Samsaya, PINKNOISE, Zoo and Madboy/Mink at the Blue Frog, Mumbai - December 5

India Music Week III: Success, Samsaya, PINKNOISE, Zoo and Madboy/Mink at the Blue Frog, Mumbai - December 5

Success were making their debut in India at the third edition of 100 Pipers India Music Week.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> They put up a stellar set driven by a keen sense of melody.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> And check out the suit too.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> The guys put up a thrilling set, getting the crowd involved at every step.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> They sounded excellent on the night, and the Blue Frog stage was a great platform for them.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> This was Day Two of India Music Week, and Success kicked off an evening of eclectic artists and music.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> Here's Mister Eleganz from Success up on a table.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> Samsaya, from Norway, was on next, and she had an able backing band that knew how to put up a show.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> The bass player doubled up on the keys as and when the mood required, switching roles easily.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> The guitar player did much the same. He also wore a helmet.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> Samsaya was born in India, before moving to Norway when she was all of 11 months old. She speaks fluent Hindi too, and often breaks into a line or two in the middle of her set.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> She matched a lively stage act with clever melodies and the catchiest hooks you can imagine.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> The pop musings of Samsaya are carefully assisted by a restrained rhythm section - but the guys did rock out every now and then during the more hectic passages.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> The entire band had this collective energy about them, an energy that resonated with the adoring crowd as well.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> The grief of parting was beginning to set in as she neared the end of her set. But that was offset by the fact that three more kickass bands were still to take the stage.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> The changeover allowed people the time to catch up with old friends and new, hanging around in the outside section of the Blue Frog.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> PINKNOISE were next. Often, when people ask us what we've done with our life, we tell them we've seen Amyt Dutta live. Yes, he's that good and more.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> PINKNOISE consists of some of the finest musicians in the country - veterans in the true sense of the word...<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> ...And yet, the drive to experiment, to create new music, remains as strong as ever.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> Their set was exciting, ethereal, sublime, and just so much more.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> Every guitar solo was received with stunned silence, followed by stunned applause.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> Kolkata's Zoo have a very interesting sound, blending together electronic and alternative elements to create a sound they can call their own.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> Click here to read our interview with Zoo, where they explain the reasoning behind the band name, among other things.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> Sometimes, words can't do justice to a photo. Here's one that captures the spirit of Zoo perfectly, so we'll shut up for a bit.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> Finally, Madboy/Mink took the stage for a short set. Read our interview with them here.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span> The quirky electro-funk duo ended the evening on a high with a fantastic performing. These guys are definitely slated for big things.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Prashin Jagger  </span>