• Wed, Mar 26, 2025

Tajdar Junaid Live at Jamsteady, Princeton club - January 3

Tajdar Junaid Live at Jamsteady, Princeton club - January 3

During soundcheck, things were kept light and fun. He informed his faithful audience, who were right on time and seated for the show, that it would start at 9.30 PM.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Margub Ali  </span> Satyaki Banerjee on the sarod played a big part in Dastaan.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Margub Ali  </span> The crowd consisted of people of all ages. Some even kept their eyes shut to get into the drift of what was about to come.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Margub Ali  </span> Stuart Munro, bassist of The Saturday Night Blues Band, kept the grooves tight. He has also played with The Supersonics at some gigs recently.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Margub Ali  </span> His song 'Aisle' was played with some improvised guitar solos, with the violin accenting quite comfortable. But the version of the song featured on the album has a very different tone to it.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Margub Ali  </span> Musically, 'Mockingbird' was lovely. But the vocals of Greg Johnson on the album did something else for the listener in terms of emotion and depth.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Margub Ali  </span> Nandakishore Das on violin did a brilliant job of keeping everything together.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Margub Ali  </span> A new song, called 'Moving Forward', was presented to the audience – a very melodic storytelling song with the charango and violins floating around. Tajdar himself was smiling through the duration of the song.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Margub Ali  </span> It’s always good to come across a gig where the audience is at full attention, with the band onstage too in full sync.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Margub Ali  </span> He also spoke about his song, 'The First Year', and how every relationship needs a certain breather through the ups and downs during its first year.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Margub Ali  </span> Diptanshu Roy of Fiddler’s Green on the mandolin never disappoints.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Margub Ali  </span> There was a beaming smile when the audience asked for an encore of 'Though I Know', something they kept chanting for till the end of the night.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Margub Ali  </span> This was supposed to be the last song of the evening, although after it ended, he went on to play another one as the audience wouldn’t quit.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Margub Ali  </span> He ended on a high with 'What Colour is Your Raindrop'. He made it clear with the long solos that there is lots more in store for the next album. I wish this city brings out more musicians of this kind.<br/><span class='courtesyName'> Photo Courtesy - Margub Ali  </span>