• Wed, Feb 26, 2025

The Puncher Shop Go Full Blues-Rock On Their New Single And We Should Be Thankful

May 03, 04:09pm

Boy oh boy, is the production on ‘Band Aid Love’ tasty. The song itself isn’t bad either.

It’s the big question on everyone’s minds in 2022! Well, it’s really not, but it’s still fascinating. Hip-hop has finally broken its way into the mainstream and we all love it for that. Rattling trap beats and so on; this is what our decade has started with. So, are people still making rock music? That distorted guitar and rock stuff with simple, relatable metaphors and easy-to-sing choruses (those are called hooks now, by the way)? Well, yes! Bangalore three-piece The Puncher Shop is making the exact kind of music ‘older’ generations used to revel in – a simple musical idea that turns into a song from, well, improvisation. Not your everyday presentation anymore, then. It’s still a treat, though.

This song deservedly works because of its great production. The drums are phat, the guitars are thicc with as many Cs as you’d like, and most importantly, the band nails that quintessential three-piece sound; a magical place where each instrument and element gets its very own place to shine. This really helps the track span four minutes as if it’s nothing, going from verses to choruses to a solo with absolutely no perceived effort. Keep in mind, this isn’t a piece of cake. It needs good writing and playing, and the band does this rather well. Great bass playing, some strong riffs (and some lovely leads) and grooves that are quite hard to not bob one’s head to. This was the first song the band jammed to when they started out, and you can tell. It has that strange freedom only a band’s early releases have; they haven’t yet reached a point where they might over-analyze their music. ‘Band Aid Love’ is a band just enjoying themselves, and that’s what you should do too while you play this in a car on the way to their gigs.


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